Postdoctoral Fellowships
The purpose of the activity is to support post-doctoral fellowship studies.
The Lithuanian Research Council, promoting the development of the system of internships for young scientists after doctoral studies and raising the scientific qualifications of interns, announces a call for proposals for the projects of posdoctoral studies.
Budget of this call | About 8,5 mln Eur |
Deadline for submition of the applications | 14 June, 2024, 16.00 hrs |
Duration of the project | 24 months. The start of the project implementation (the date of signing the project financing agreement) is no earlier than 13 September 2024. |
Budget of the project | Up to EUR 120,000. Indirect costs can be up to 10 percent of the amount of direct costs provided for in the project cost estimate. Funds must be planned for the entire duration of the project and for each calendar year. The research supervisor salary costs are not included in the project cost estimate. |
Potential applicants | The application should be submitted by the host institution together with the reseach fellow. A person (research fellow and research supervisor) can be specified in the application only in case if on the last day of the call for proposals, the limitations for consideration of applications specified in points 76-80 of the general rules of competitive funding of research and dissemination projects of the Lithuanian Research Council do not apply to him. The research fellow and research supervisor can only be mentioned in one application for this call. |
Host institution | Lithuanian science and study institution included in the Register of Education and Science Institutions. The host institution must be different from the one where the research fellow prepared the doctoral thesis. |
Research fellow | Researcher who has a science (arts) doctorate degree awarded by a Lithuanian or foreign science and studies institution, and for whom no more than 5 years have passed from the date of the science (arts) doctoral dissertation defense to the date of the application submission deadline specified in the call fpr proposals (this period is extended 18 months (in the case of maternal pregnancy and childbirth, parental leave) for each child born before or after the date of obtaining the doctoral degree, upon presentation of the birth certificates of the child(s), or during a specific actual period, upon presentation of documents justifying pregnancy and childbirth, paternity leave or leave period(s) to look after the child(s)) and carrying out the scientific (artistic) research work provided for in the project. |
Research supervisor | Scientist or artist working in the implementing institution, who during the implementation of the project leads the scientific (art) research work carried out by the research fellow. The postdoctoral project does not have to be supervised by the research fellows doctoral dissertation supervisor. |
Application procedure | The application is submitted by filling out a form in the electronic system The application is submitted in English. The following attachments must be submitted together with the application: 1. A letter from the host institution regarding project implementation assurance (Lithuanian); 2. Documents required to assess the competence of research fellow: 2.1. a copy of the document certifying the degree of Doctor of Science or Arts; 2.2. curriculum vitae (in English) (CV should be submitted in free form together with at least one active source of identification on the Internet, allowing to get acquainted with the trainee's publications or artistic research works and other information about him revealing scientific or artistic competence: personal digital identifier (ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) or Web of Science Researcher ID) or a link to a researcher's account on Google Scholar or a researcher's profile at the research and study institution where he works, where information is provided in English). 3. Documents required to assess the competence of the research supervisor: 3.1. a copy of a document confirming the degree of Doctor of Science or Arts or the status of a recognized artist; 3.2. curriculum vitae (in English) (CV should be submitted in free form together with at least one active source of identification on the Internet, allowing to get acquainted with the trainee's publications or artistic research works and other information about him revealing scientific or artistic competence: personal digital identifier (ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) or Web of Science Researcher ID) or a link to a researcher's account on Google Scholar or a researcher's profile at the research and study institution where he works, where information is provided in English). 4. Copy of documents regarding the grant of maternity leave, paternity leave or parental leave of the intern or the birth certificate(s) of the child(ren) (if applicable). |
Evaluation procedure | Only applications that meet the requirements of administrative chech are submitted for expert evaluation. The expert evaluation of applications is carried out in accordance with the description of the procedure for the expert evaluation of Projects and their reports approved by the Chairman of the Lithuanian Research Council, with the exception of the provisions regarding the following stages of expert evaluation: preparation of the initial summary evaluation of applications and the possibility for the research fellow to indicate actual errors in the evaluation of the application. The applications are assessed in accordance with the general rules of the Lithuanian Research Council's experts and foreign expert commissions, whose leaders may be appointed by Lithuanian experts. |
Additional information | During the implementation of the project, the research fellow must be employed in the position of researcher and/or researcher (in the case of the arts) and he/she must be assigned a salary coefficient according to the coefficient interval limits specified in Article 721, Part 5, Clause 5 of the Law of the Republic of Lithuania on Science and Studies. The total number of working hours of the intern in the project must be no less than and no more than 2010 hours (1 full-time position) during 12 months, including scientific and study institutions research workers are granted annual leave. During the implementation of the project, the research fellow must go for an internship to a foreign science and study institution or research center, laboratory, company, institution, library, archive, expedition, etc. The minimum duration of the trip is 1 month. The departure period can be divided into parts, one of which must be at least 15 days. The call funds are divided into as many parts as the groups of applications were made. These funds are distributed proportionally according to the funds requested by the projects of application groups that have met the requirements of administrative verification. All applications will be divided into three parts: 1) applications in the fields of humanities and social sciences; In each of these parts, the applications can be divided into groups of applications, taking into account the fields of science indicated in the applications and the topics of the projects. After the announcement of the results of the call, the research fellows of the projects included in the list of funded projects, before signing the project financing contracts, must submit applications with identical content in the Lithuanian language in the electronic system (without the appendices specified in the conditions of this call). The projects will be coordinated according to the information provided in the application in Lithuanian. |
Application form | |
Consultations | Program co-ordinator Jogaila Mackevičius, [email protected], +370 676 41 216 |
Last updated: 30-05-2024