
Event in Brussels on the role of health data in research and innovation

On 19 November 2024, an event "Northern Perspectives: Health Data in Research and Innovation" will take place in Brussels to explore the role of health data in research and innovation. One of the main themes will be cancer research as an important example illustrating the potential of data use.

The event will highlight the Nordic-Baltic region as a pilot example of cross-border collaboration in health data, share key lessons learned and present innovative research projects and partnerships.

The opening ceremony will feature speeches by Irene Norstedt, Director of the European Commission's Directorate General for R&D, and Vytenis Andriukaitis, Member of the European Parliament, former European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety and former Minister for Health.

The program will highlight Nordic and Baltic experiences and provide an opportunity to network with stakeholders and organizations seeking to collaborate on health data.

The event will also feature two speakers from Lithuania. In the first session, Edita Baltruškevičienė from the National Cancer Institute will present "The value of cross-border collaboration in using health data for cancer research and innovation". In the second session, Agnė Paulauskaitė-Tarasevičienė from Kaunas University of Technology will discuss "Ecosystems and Public-Private Partnerships".

This is a wonderful opportunity to gain experience about the latest research and innovations in health data, share experiences and make valuable contacts.

The event program can be found here.