RCL has completed public consultations with candidates for establishing of international Centres of Competence for applied research and experimental development
The Research Council of Lithuania (the RCL) has concluded the final stage of public consultations aimed at identifying Lithuanian candidates for the establishment of international applied research and experimental development (R&D) competence centres (Competence Centres). Based on the recommendations of consultants’ groups, the RCL submitted eleven potential candidates to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Sport of the Republic of Lithuania (the MoESS) for further selection and approval. These centres are envisioned as key hubs for science, innovation, and talent attraction, with their activities expected to make a significant contribution to Lithuania's economic and societal progress.
An Investment in the Future
According to the RCL’s Chairman Dr. Gintaras Valinčius, the establishment of international Competence Centres represents an investment in Lithuania’s future. These centres will serve not only as engines for innovation but also as platforms for knowledge application, contributing to Lithuania’s ambition to become a globally competitive, high value-added country grounded in a strong scientific and technological foundation.
Lithuanian research and higher education institutions, university hospitals, and their international partners – foreign research and higher education institutions – are among the candidates aspiring to become international Competence Centres.
“The establishment of international Competence Centres will fulfil the strategic priorities of the National Progress Plan, which determine our country’s ability to compete in the global science and innovation arena. These centres will not only advance scientific knowledge and its applications in business and social innovations but are also expected to create and develop an attractive research environment that fosters the attraction and retention of talent within Lithuania’s research and higher education system,” says the RCL’s Chairman Dr. Gintaras Valinčius.
Focus on a Transparent and Objective Process
To ensure the highest quality of the future Competence Centres, the RCL conducted the public consultation process with potential candidates based on objective criteria and the conclusions of independent consultants.
In analysing the candidate’s potential to establish modern applied research centres, the RCL engaged international consultants with extensive scientific and managerial experience. Four thematic groups, composed of foreign scientists, research administrators, Lithuanian social partners, and the RCL’s representatives held public consultations in November and December with 11 candidates. During these discussions, the candidates presented their visions, answered questions, and provided additional information about their proposed projects.
Comprehensive Evaluation of Candidates’ Potential
The thematic groups of consultants assessed candidates based on the scientific potential of their projects, the anticipated contribution of the proposed centres to achieving national strategic goals, and their capacity to make breakthroughs in selected fields of applied research. They also evaluated the strategies candidates planned to use to attract and retain talented scientists and researchers.
Equally important was an analysis of the existing and planned infrastructure to ensure it could meet the demands of modern research. The consultants also considered the sustainability of the centres, their social and economic impact, adherence to high management standards, and the ability to effectively manage risks.
“I am sincerely grateful to the Lithuanian and international consultants who devoted considerable time and effort and whose professionalism ensured the public consultation process was thorough and objective. Their insights and expertise were crucial in evaluating the candidates’ readiness to implement these ambitious projects,” emphasized G. Valinčius.
RCL – Coordinator of Future Centers
Based on the recommendations of the consultants’ groups, the RCL submitted information related to the results of public consultations to the MoESS regarding potential partners for establishing Competence Centres. The final list of international Competence Centres and their institutional composition will be approved by the MoESS.
The RCL is expected to coordinate the activities of the approved centres. A budget of €32 million has been allocated for the implementation of the project, which is planned to run until the end of 2029. The creation of Competence Centres will be funded under the Science Development Program of the MoESS, as a part of the 2022–2030 Development Program through the Progress Measure No. 12-001-01-02-01, "Strengthening Innovation Ecosystems in Research Centres."
Last updated: 22-01-2025
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